
The project

ViA(E) is a "liquid" tourist system which takes shape in a product.

The ancient Romans used the term “viae" to indicate main roads. The "viae publicae" or "consolari" connected the most important cities. The Via Appia, the oldest, opened the way to Magna Grecia, arriving as far as Brindisi, from where it was possible to embark for the Balkan provinces. In many cases they took the name of the magistrates who ordered their construction or of the place in which the road ended.
Through the centuries, the track has been modified many times, with variations in the route and extensions, but the Roman road system was the most efficient and lasting road system of antiquity, bringing Roman civilization in contact with the most diverse people who populated the then-known world.

No other population of that time was able to equal their ability to choose the routes, the construction techniques and organisation of assistance to travellers.
Furthermore, from the times of Augustus, places for resting and overnighting were set up, equipped with amenities, such as mansiones, reserved for public officials, situated along the main roads that were about one day of travel apart.

During the year of Slow Tourism, in 2019, inspired precisely by the great network of ViA(E) Romane it seemed the most natural way for us to make different territories dialogue with each other.
ViA(E) is therefore a tourist project, not historical or scientific, which wants to draw from the ancient arteries of communication as symbol of unity between territories, of networking, of flows of people and concepts, of synergies, and last but not least, of dialogue.

Vom Projekt zum Modell

We define the project we have elaborated and started to apply in Piedmont, Lombardy Liguria and Valle D'Aosta as "liquid", precisely because it works on combining product and aggregations, overcoming localisms and working on a multi-functional tourist offer which involves more areas and regions and to define a new Tourist District which currently relies on a potential basin of more than 7 million tourists/citizens and constantly evolving international demand.
Enjoy your Trip!